Fandom Snowflake 03: resolutions

Jan 03, 2017 22:04

So I'm trying hard to make each of these
snowflake_challenge posts a little bit useful or broadly interesting. Resolutions are a pretty hard one! I've found, ironically, that the major times I've been able to keep up new habits are under extreme duress (schedule is too full, running on empty, head on fire, heart in pieces) or extreme boredom. Funny how that works.

Fandom-wise, pretty much the only time I've been successful at writing at the last couple of years has been with challenges.
yuletide and
notprimetime aside, anyone have favourites they want to share?


  • Write 75K in Useful Exposition, fic, or original work
  • Actually, seriously, really complete Executive Reform
  • Make more fandom friends! Co-writers especially!
  • Read three new books by three new authors per quarter


  • Get passable at swimming
  • Gym twice a week, minimum
  • Pick up a new hobby or class to meet people
  • Be more at peace about immigration things

challenge: fandom snowflake, hi flist

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