Chatting with Mike this morning, he mentioned that he'd see me in 10 days. That jolted me in to thinking "Holy crap! I only have ten days to pack and clean!"
And so, for the first time this month, I've done the daily cleaning/packing I
said I would do.
The white boxes without lids are full of books.
The white boxes with lids are full of comics, single issues and trade paper backs.
The brown boxes are full of DVDs, and there's a seventh hiding behind the others in the corner.
I also have a
box of hamster cage stuff including a nearly full bag of pine bedding and some probably expired food to get rid of. Let me know if any of you want it or know someone who might want it. I'll also post to Craigslist soon.
Same goes for a
loveseat I don't want to move again.
In other news, Mike linked me to
this video, and my first thought was "if all you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail. These guys only had dynamite, and their problem looked like a whale."