Mar 24, 2008 21:59
It's been almost a week since I've posted hasn't it ... where did the time go?
Every single damn time I think I've finished working with InstallShield for a while, something else comes up.
So there's three distinct developers now, apparently. The C coder (mostly c++ and C#), the web developer, and me, the InstalScript developer.
Have I mentioned how much I loathe installscript?
When I get overly annoyed with InstallShield I fire up the .Net 2005 IDE and work on the nerf client service. Mike (GeekGene) and I are going back and forth on that one.
The C coder used to have hair down to his shoulder blades. When I came in on Thursday or Friday, he'd cut it down to an inch or two above his shoulders, and was wearing a cap. I've never seen him wear a hat. It was weird ...
Speaking of Mike at GeekGene (this should probably go after the the paragraph with Mike in it, but then where would I put the paragraph about the C coder?), Mike and I started a new project: a writer's community website. For now we're calling it Scribery. This was an idea he'd had years ago, but shelved until recently. Something in a conversation we had this weekend sparked and he bought a domain and we started hashing out a feature list. No time line yet on implementing it, but it'll be cool.
Authors can submit their stories as short form, long form (novels, multi-chapter stories), or episodic (releasing a chapter a week, etc) and can choose to receive feed back on the story directly, in the form of a discussion thread (like comments on LJ). We also plan to have a separate, more traditional forum area where users can post about the stories, or unrelated things. Users can follow certain authors, certain tags applied to stories, or whatever, and keep a list of Favorite works. Authors can specify what sort of license the text is released under on a per-entry basis. A short story could be completely open, allowing fans to take the idea and run with it, or a novel by the same author could be more restrictive so the original author is the only one that could sell it.
There could also be a way for authors to submit their works to be read on a Scribery podcast.
I also ordered a bowler hat from HatsInTheBelfry... I'm not sure if I mentioned that last time. It would have arrived on Friday, except I wasn't paying attention and filled out the form such that my apartment was the shipping address and the office was the billing, so I didn't get the hat until tonight, after leave a note for the UPS guy this morning.
When I woke up this morning, I found the pinky-side of my right middle finger was swollen and had a discolored spot. Earlier in the week I ripped a hangnail off of there... seems to have gotten infected. Not a huge deal, this has happened before. Just annoying.
After I taped the note to my door and locked it, I went to grab the handle and make sure I'd locked the deadbolt. This is a daily ritual; it's something I've done every day for over a year now. Somehow I did it wrong and my right index finger clipped the trim around the door frame. It splintered and I manged to drive a 1/8" shard of wood under my finger nail. What a great way to start the day!
I managed to dig it out after I got to the car. It bled for a bit, but not much, and not badly.
And to top it off, the hat, the reason for the slight change in the morning ritual (taping a note to the door), arrived tonight. The twist is that it's too small.
I should really stop buying hats from the internets. Both times I've had to order a second, larger hat because the first was too small. *grumble*