I could post again about how the day was annoying, but it'd be repeat of yesterday, with minor variations. One issue got fixed, but another took its place.
It's been one of Murphy's days, today. Mostly. I put my key in the lock for my mailbox and it wouldn't turn. It did this the first time I tried to open the mail box. After a bit of fiddling and jiggling, I got the key to turn and open the box.
It went on like this for a week or so, then the jiggling became an unconscious habit and I didn't notice doing it.
Until tonight.
(Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy Tertiary Phase reference. Don't worry if you don't get it.)
Something seemed different about the mailbox, but I couldn't put my finger on it, blaming it instead on the rain / streetlights. Or something. I slid the key in and turned and -- nothing.
I jiggled it.
I pulled it out a little bit.
I tried pulling it out all the way and it got stuck.
I jiggled it more and it came out.
I slid it back in, jiggling a little bit, and it turned a little.
But not enough.
I turned it back, slid out a little, then back in, jiggled, turned and it worked!
What did I find to reward my efforts?
A single cardboard Priority Mail envelope.
From the U.S. Government. The return address says "U.S. Government Official Mail"
This could only be one document.
My passport had arrived 1-3 weeks early. It was supposed to take 4-6 weeks, and I submitted my application on Dec 21, 2007. By my math, that puts it at just under three weeks processing time...
I also had a realization this morning on the way to work. I can host the daily audioblog at
Karaksindru.com, maybe calling it Karak Speaks Too. ;)
I'm going to try to forget the day and play some Wii while catching up on podcasts now.