Another Wednesday ...

Sep 10, 2003 14:00

Cheese and rice, why do Wednesdays suck so hard now? I guess something has to balance out the Tuesdays that have significantly improved since starting the Cisco class ...

Yesterday when I got home, Mom said that Dad was coming home around 8 (Dad had previously been in CA since late April / early May or so) Looking around I noticed the sorry state of the lawn and decided to mow before Dad got home. This time I remembered to take an anti-histamine, but about half way through the job ...

Anyway, mowed the front lawn and the back yard (which was turning into a small forest) then decided the bush in front of the front porch was looking a bit shaggy, so I got out the hedge clippers and trimmed my first bush (okay, so there were any number of ways to say that last thought, but that's the one that occurred to me first while trimming it, and I couldn't pass up on the opportunity to say that ;p ). Over all I think it was a good job, for it having been my first attempt at the task.

As I finish the trimming, twilight sets in and Rojzik, Fuul and Neon arrive at Jaehop. After I clean up the trimmings and shower, Neon, Fuul and I head to Holly West for dinner. I order a Killian's to drink, then wonder about the interactions between the alcohol and the anti-histamines I had taken ... obviously it wasn’t too severe, as I'm still able to type my thoughts ... I was feeling very light headed by the end of the meal though.

We get back, Neon leaves to do homework, and I crash for the night. This is around 2130 or so ... I wake up around 0600 to nature's call, then go back to bed until 1000 when my alarm goes off. 1030 I finally get out of bed and drag myself up the stairs for breakfast. ~1145 I finally leave to go to work and here I am. I was scheduled to rebuild Craig's computer today. I started backing stuff up, then realized that I have no commitment to doing it today, and because I feel like shit I would only put a half hearted effort into it as well. Decided it'd be better to do it again on Friday, when my head is a little more clear and I can actually focus on the task.

Reading my email for the day, there's a message from our CFO saying outlook web access isn't working. My initial thought? "FUCK!!!! GOD FUCKING DAMN OUTLOOK SHIT FUCK!" The CFO then finds me a little later and asks if I got her email, explaining again (she had said all this in the email) she "uses OWA a lot and blah blah blah, not working, blah blah blah, it'd be nice to have file access too, blah blah blah" which occurred to me as nagging / complaining, which usually has me avoid doing whatever the other person wants done. Add into this that Mary (the CFO) has been very annoying to me anyway .... probably not purposefully annoying, but she only ever talks to me when she needs me to do something.

bleh ... this isn't helping like I thought it would ... gnert.

lawn, jaehop, dreamteam

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