Human Interest?

May 20, 2004 18:00

This is kind of a long, and slightly rambling story, so be prepared (as Tom Lehrer would say).

Every month, we (Dream Team) like to try to do something to give back the community. It gets our name out there, and we feel we have bettered society in some way. That's the ideal, anyway...

Recently we haven't really been fulfillin gon that, so this month we took on planning out in more detail what we could do in June / July.

We came up with working on the Habitat for Humanity 25th Anniversary House (coincidence) in June, and forming a team for the MS 150 Bike Tour in July.

These are both bigger projects than we have taken on in the past.

Part (okay, most) of my reason in posting this here is that the MS 150 struck a particular chord with me, and I would like to ask you people for donations. Strictly voluntary.

As some none of you know, my uncle Jim (father's brother) was diagnosed with MS when he was in his ealry 20's, I believe. He fought it tooth and nail for the next four decades or so, until, in his mother's house in California, his struggle was ended.

I wish now I had spent more time with him while he was with us, but I didn't and nothing will change that. I could go on at length about him, but I won't, at least, not in this entry.

Suffice it to say, he was one of the best people anyone could have met.

So, I ask again, if you've got a little money you want to put toward fighting Multiple Sclerosis, please pledge via me as I participate in the 150 mile bike tour July 10th/11th. I have set a goal for myself of raising $400.


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