Title: Unsought (2/10)
Category: Btvs/Ats
Rating: PG-13 for now
Genre: Drama/Romance
Characters; Pairing: Dawn, Connor; Dawn/Connor
Summary: Angel sends Connor to boarding school, not knowing Buffy had sent her sister Dawn to the same one. What happens when the two troublemakers meet up and become the only ones that can save the student body?
Sure Giles had suggested the school and pulled the strings to get Dawn in, but she agreed to it. Buffy- her own sister, sent her away to England and it only took the fraise ‘Troublemakers into model citizens’. We’ll see. Dawn thought as the lunch lady plopped a helping of macaroni and cheese into her bowl. She looked down at it as she moved out of the line.
Dawn walked further into the eating area and she saw him. The one guy she could probably carry a conversation with, Connor. She held back an excited smile as she went over to him.
"Mind if I sit?" She asked, seeing the empty table.
"Sure." Connor said shaking the bangs from his eyes as he looked up at her. He didn’t seem all that interested as he immediately went back to poking his food with his fork.
"Reminds you of home right?" Dawn said and Connor looked up at her confused. " Macaroni and Cheese, it’s the quindecennial American dishes. You’re American right?"
"Yeah." Connor said. He now wasn’t paying attention to his food at all.
"See we already have something in common. It’s the only thing I’ve had in common with anyone here so far." Dawn said kind of sadly, but bounced back quickly. "Which part of America?" She asked curiously.
"LA." Connor replied simply.
"California, I’m from there too. See, another thing we have in common." Dawn said and saw Connor’s lips curve into smile. Finally. "So what are you in for?" She asked pushing her tray to the side.
"I hurt my dad physically, then I started seeing his girlfriend." Connor said with some sadness in his voice, but he bounced back too. "What are you in for?" He asked right back.
"Seeing a guy, which ended out badly; and basically- not listening to my sister." That’s kind-of the truth. Dawn thought. "She’s my guardian so she actually thinks she can tell me what to do." Connor smirked and Dawn smiled back.
Someone entering the room caught the corner of her eye. John? She wondered as he looked like the British babe, but didn’t walk like him. His shoulders were slouched and he held his books tightly to his chest. She noticed Connor had looked too. They watched as John went and sat at his own secluded table then opened his geography text book and read.
"That’s so weird." Dawn commented.
"What is?" Connor asked. She turned back to him and he was already waiting attentively for her answer.
"John normally sits there..." Dawn nodded to the table of beautiful people. They seemed just as confused as everyone. "...It’s defiantly not like him to be without his possy and study." Dawn watched as Connor’s face hardened with thought. He already knew what John was like though the display this morning. Connor turned from Dawn and looked back at the newly found misfit again.
chapter 3- Connor's POV.