I'm completely hooked on SG-1. I've watched up to 3x16 Urgo. Thank goodness for local libraries that have almost the whole series in their DVD section and let you borrow 5 at a time. I've been suffering withdrawal the last couple of days because the library wasn't open and I won't be abe to get there until later today to get the next few DVDs.
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Comments 11
And you still don't like Carter? She's my favorite character- and Daniel sort of annoys me! *laughs* It's good to have friends that are different from you.
*g* I guess things would be boring if we all liked the same stuff :-) But I have to ask why Daniel annoys you? It doesn't seems possible to me but then again I'm generally attracted to geeky guys ;-)
I'm up to season 5 now! And I think Daniel annoys me because he reminds me a lot of my little brother (geeky, glasses) and Carter is more like me (except I'm not blonde)*g*
I'm beating you! I've just started on season 8. Still loving it (although season 6 was almost torture to watch). Fair enough about Daniel, I just love his passion and energy plus the fact that he looks good. *g*
Travelling One and captain_tiv do some top of the line Daniel-centric gen stuff. sg-fignewton is the *Queen* of gen and her gen fic days and Canon vs. Fanon essays are a *must* read. :-) Also, take a look at the Stargate Fan Awards site for current and past winners.
Oh, and I agree with you on Carter. She wasn't as bad early on, but she got to be very annoying to me later when she really hit her Super!Sam period.
Oh, don't tell me she gets worse :-( I really dislike it when I start to hate characters and I can see it happening with her.
Oh, and yeah. She gets worse. Then they try to shove ship down our throats. *shudder*
Why, why, why do writers have to change a formula that works with shipping or unrealistic "character development"? Can't they see that's usually when the ratings drop?
& the h/c in this show is just fantastic, *happy sigh* i blame my love for these angsty-hurty things completely on sg1 and daniel jackson... he hurts just so prettily, *g*
he hurts just so prettily I think that is the understatment of the year. I like me some h/c in general, but only Daniel!Whump has come close to my love of Tony!whump. For some weird reason (that I probably best leaving un-analysised) it completely turns me on :-)
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