
Mar 29, 2011 08:48

My youngest daughter graduated from college, yayyyyyy! The Chicago Institute of Art, she does the Pixar sort of art, the World of Warcraft things? anyway, she's looking for work, and hopefully she lucks into something. She graduated one of the top students of her year, and helped win a group Best of Show recently. She's simply an amazing artist.

The snow is melting like crazy, I've seen robins again, and I've got pots filled with starter soil for seeds. I'll plant them in May, so starting them now is about right, I think. I've got flowers and veggies, and this is my first adventure in doing this, and I do plan to buy from Vi's Flowers, too, so my garden should be somewhat pretty this year. Unlike last year, which was awful. I was starting at the post office and just never made it out there.

I've got a story I'm working on, it's the second part of the middle and the end that's giving me fits. As one critiquer put it, "you can't use boredom as a motivation." Anyway, I had a vision of how to fix this, but there's a small bit of me that's worried it'll just sound confusing and tacked on. I think that's one of the issues with being a pantser, is that creation is so blind and electric, and editing is so not, that it's very easy to second-guess.

Seeds and stories are my plans for the day, love it! :D

planning, editing, gardening, family

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