First off, I have to say thanks to
thefreak. He's been super enthusiastic from day one with this whole "dad" thing. He goes to the doctor's appointments, keeps me from lifting things, talks to the belly-- it's pretty sweet, and I'm really lucky to have him as my partner in this. He also kept me from choking the receptionist at the doctor's office today.
My appointment was at 11.20. We got there at 11.05. I didn't see an actual medical professional until 1-fucking-30. I was trying to not be That Woman, but Jebus H Christ I was this close to going off on the front desk. I'm not going to tell you how to do your job. But I do pretty much exactly your job with a larger staff and more equipment.
I understand sometimes these things get busy, and from the looks of it, all of the OBs refer their patients here for scans and tests. I feel for you, but last time i was up at the desk reminding you that I've been here an hour and a half, I counted at least 6 business cards in the little rack. Even figuring that someone is taking a day off or doing rounds, that's five doctors in house, plus a complement of nurses and assorted technicians. One problem can't possibly take up all of them, so don't give me a line about how one patient is causing this backup, Three times.
When I walked in, every chair in the waiting room had a butt in it, and there were a few (dads) standing. That's not one patient, or even a busy day, that's overbooked. There's a way to deal with it, too. You know how long shit takes and don't schedule more than the facility can handle. If you have to take everyone, then you round up the staff and 1) see who wants overtime and 2) call out for some tasty food so no one has to leave for an hour for lunch and back things up worse than they already are.
/rant off
We were there for a nucheal (back of the neck) translucency scan, which with a blood test will tell if the kid has Downs Syndrome or a few other genetic problems. I didn't know you could do that. Neat. Unfortunately, it only works up to about 14 weeks, and we're at 15. *doh*
The dates have been sort of bouncing all over the place.. much like Ninja-chan. Once the ninja is awakened, it moves so much that it's hard for the tech to get a good measurement, he he. I'm just going to clear my calendar starting at the end of June.
So since we couldn't do the test, they just did a thorough ultrasound of everything that they *could* see. We did get it to hold still long enough to catch a few things:
- it's probably a boy. It was.. um.. kind of obvious in one of the scans. Of course nothing is certain until he's actually out, but it's safe to say that we probably won't be needing any pretty pretty princess dresses. Unless he's into that sort of thing, which is totally ok.
- he's doing pretty good. Got all the important parts working, anyway.
- check out the photo! :D