(no subject)

Apr 01, 2008 23:16

I was browsing my friends list, and I had no idea there was so much bile reserved for April Fool's Day.  Mostly, I'm seeing the following complaints:

It's annoying!
As far as holidays go, there are far more annoying holidays than April Fool's. For example:
- St. Patty's Day is an excuse for idiots to pretend they're Irish, get wasted and then try to drive.
- Cinco de Mayo is an excuse for idiots to pretend they're Mexican, get wasted and then try to drive.
- Mardi Gras: SHOW YOUR TITS!
- I'm not even going to get into the head games that go on around Valentine's Day.
- Christmas carols are annoying as hell, and those last at least a month.

Reading about Google introducing "Custom Time" and getting the occasional rickroll--  one freekin' day.

People are *lying* to me!
They're not lying to you because they hate you. They're not trying to steal your stuff, or break your heart, and if they are, they're assholes no matter what day it is *.  For the most part, they're trying to make you laugh. Yes, some people are better at this than others. Some people really suck at telling jokes. But if it jeopardizes your entire friendship when you find out your buddy taped a Post-It under your mouse, the problem ain't with them.

People are trying to make me look foolish!
OH GOD ANYTHING BUT THAT. Everyone looks dumb sometimes. There are 364 days (actually, 365 this year) to be as serious as you like. Lighten up, Francis.

*The difference between "funny" and "asshole" usually comes down to "no permanent damage".

Funny: Turning on Autocorrect and setting it to automatically respell w-o-r-k o-r-d-e-r as b-a-n-a-n-a p-i-e.
Asshole: Hiding the degausser under the computer.

Funny: "Hey, did you hear that Tom from Myspace got busted for weapons dealing? Sweartagawd."
Asshole: "Hey, I slept with your boyfriend! ROFLOLOL…"

Funny: "Scan/record says they're out of film wax. Call Kodak and see if they still sell it in the 12-ounce cans."
Asshole: "We just ordered a case of film wax. Want to drive over to Kodak and pick it up?"

rant, holidays

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