Well I havent been posting everyday since I ogt to Tokyo because sometime I don't do very much, or I just go shopping and so its not very interesting (assuming that you guys have found any of this interesting, that is).
A few days ago I went to Kamakura which is small town about a hour from Tokyo that for a short while was the capital of Japan and where the Kamakura shogunate was during the 1200s (give or take). It had a somewhat bloody history but now it has a large number of temples, moslty Zen buddhist fashion, including the first zen garden in Japan. When the zen buddhist were being driven out of China, they were welcomed to Japan as the Zen teaching of discipline, duty and maintaining emotional distance from things fitted well with a samurai mindset. Consquently many temples were founded in Japan, and Kamakura in particular.
I visited two zen temples and a nunnery which was a shelter for women and the only place where a woman could get a divorce Kamakura period Japan. I also visted and temple of Enma who is the buddhist king of hell, which has a staue of him and his 10 cronies who judge people based on their sins. Then I walked through a forested park over to the next valley on the Daibutsu Hiking trail. On the way I visited two shinto shrines - 1 where a spring comes out in cave, where it is believed that any money washed in the spring will return to you twicefold, and the second was the Sasuke Inari shrine. Inari is the shinto god of hunting and havests, and his animal messenger is the fox, and this temple had a large number of small fox figures hidden about the forest. Once again it has nothing to do with that Sasuke, as it was named such due to the person who built it, but I did the appropriate shinto rites and prayed that nothing bad happens to Sasuke in the next few chapters, but I think, sadly, that it may just prove that my disbelief in such things is well founded...
Lastly, in Kamakura I visited the Daibutsu ("big buddha") which is from the Ronseal school of naming things.
I have been doing some shopping in Shinjuku, Shibuya, Ikebukuro and Akihabara, mostly in anime stores, but I have also got a cool tshirt and recon'ed a good few places to go back to for more concerted shopping efforts when
mike_the_death /Nii-san arrive.
I have purchased a number of Sasuke figures, including an adorable pre-massacre piggybacknowplztnx!Sasuke and *gasp* finally found Itachi figure. I nearly hugged the woman in the shop, much to her confusion. I bought two, which didn't help with the confusion either. I also have the second Shipuuden soundtrack which has lots more Pein/Akatsuki music which is all very choral and epic.
Finally, I bought what I hoped was ItaSasu, but was in fact KakaSasu in disguise - and teary eyed, blushing Sasu-chan Shota at that! *spits* - it does have random bits of Itachi in it, but alas, not in Sasuke. ^__^
Actually, it has some LOL'zy pictures in it so I don't mind.
Pictures are