What a poor web application.
For the more technically inclined out there, here's a bit of information that was able to be discerned from the site:
It's hosted on a Windows Server 2003, Web Edition machine. IP:
That IP belongs to an ISP out of Houston, TX according to ARIN
http://ws.arin.net/whois/?queryinput= This server has several open TCP ports notably: 21 (ftp), 80 (http), 135 (Remote Procedure Calls), 443(https... which isn't configured properly), and 3389 (Remote Desktop)
And not as notably TCP: 1029, 3050, 3413, 3414, 3415, 3883, 6100, 10125
Unfortunately Mistress, this web application seems to be designed by idiots. Every page is a form, and every link is a submit button causing the application to generate a new page. The site prevents the client browser (i.e. Firefox/Internet Explorer/Lynx or what have you) from caching the results, therefore forcing it to rerequest the page from the server when you click your back button. This presents another issue because it seems that the server in being "secure" (or poorly designed) doesn't cache the pages it generates for you. so the page you were just on doesn't exist anymore after you click to the next one. At least the geniuses put a "back" button to request the previous page (although it's not really, it's a new generation of the previous page... kitty's head hurts)
Another interesting feature is that the form fields seem to have no cap as to the number of characters that can be typed in them.
Speaking of "secure" the site isn't. A request to the SSL port returns nothing. Everything is run over normal HTTP so any monkey with any one of several freely available and open source packet capturing programs can see everything you do on the site... including your login (hope everyone created new passwords for this one!). Not to mention that it doesn't prevent me from performing a sequential port scan... "A Firewall? What's that?" *grumble grumble*
Well this kitty is tired, and a bit bored with playing with this poorly designed site. I'd wager that you can all probably can guess kitty's occupation as well, but that's no matter. Have fun!