Let us go! Though we know it's a hopeless endeavor//The ties that bind, they are barbed and spined a

Jan 25, 2007 00:56

Featured: miau and myself.

She stayed for two weeks over Christmas and New Years' break and we did little else besides lounge around and watch Six Feet Under but honestly it was still a lot of fun. There was also a great deal of going to bed at 10am and waking up at 8pm.

There was coffee, a bookstore, hanging out with friends. (When there are two Kats in the room things get confusing, which is why to my friends I refer to her as Katie, which I picked up from her parents, but I think it was weird to her to be called that in a friends-place and not a family-place.) Considering this was about five years in the making, it was really surreal a lot of the time. I ended up just kind of staring a lot because it was so foreign having her there. But a good foreign, I think.

It was also my first instance of drunkenness, and I am a very silly, giggly drunk. I got reasonably trashed so you'd probably be better off asking her for more details, but I was very wobbly and running into things and falling over and constantly smiling.

In other, threefold, not as exciting news:

I. School has started and I got a B in my history class and it ruined my 4.0 and it pisses me off and I'm generally unenthusiastic about this semester as a result. I have yet to buy some books, I have showed up a few minutes late to my first class several times, and my alarm didn't go off so I have slept through class once. This horrible measure of academia is directly related to...

II. The World of Warcraft expansion came out and I have been playing that at Joseph and Amanda's-- my computer is semi-permanently established in the extra bedroom there. It's pretty much me and ten good friends all grouping together and crushing shit. It is a blast.

III. I am growing a beard, just to see what happens. We are a week and a half into it now. Pictures at four weeks, methinks. Also, a haircut likely follows within two months (much to the chagrin of a few close friends, it seems).
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