(no subject)

Nov 07, 2006 23:31

Registered early this time around.

Tuesdays and Thursdays
09 Jan 2007 to 03 May 2007

09:40am-11:00pm: Intro to Criminal Justice
11:10pm-12:30pm: Life Span/Development
12:40pm-02:00pm: Comparative Religion
02:00pm-04:00pm: Elementary Spanish 1

I've never taken a foreign language since middle school, sadly enough, and I figure it's about time. I don't really like Spanish, but it seems to be the most pratical option. The Comparative Religion teacher is a pretty cool hippie dude, Bill Secrest.


As for this semester, I've had my teachers for long enough to pass hateful and biased judgements against them. My psych teacher, Weldon, is a control freak who chastises students for being late but she has never been on time herself. She reported our class to the dean because she says we're the most horribly-behaved class she's ever had. Two people were cheating on her tests and after I got a 77.5 and this stupid pouty-lipped chick next to me got a 96-- she's never read the book yet-- I ratted them out. Fuck'em if they can't take a joke.

Despite my deep-reaching, abyss-centered, soul-wrenching hatred for this lady and her teaching methods and daily quizzes and tests every third class period, I'm pulling a 91%-- and that's the highest grade in the class. Stick that abstract concept in your pipe and smoke it.

Ancient World History is no better. If the teacher-- an ethnocentric fundamentalist Christian-- doesn't know a detail, he makes it up. Especially etymology. He said that Zoroaster means "Seed of the Woman," which, you may notice, is COMPLETELY WRONG. Then he said that "aster" means "woman," and "Asteroid" comes from the word for woman, because "women are like stars." He says that the Bible is the first (and most accurate!) history book. He said that Star Wars is a rip-off of Hinduism because the concept of Brahmin is like The Force, Yoda sounds like Yoga, and the Vedas, the books of knowledge, sound like Darth Vader. When I said "'Darth Vader' is Dutch for 'Dark Father!'" with a certain measure of disbelief, he told me that I must be wrong. Then he mentioned a parody called Thumb Wars, and he drew faces on his thumbs and talked in a high-pitched voice and misquoted Star Wars for five minutes. He stopped when I turned to the kid behind me and said "I'm glad we're paying for this."

He wrote a fantasy/historical fiction/biblical fiction book where he wrote himself as the main character, a charismatic warrior chosen by god and given a flaming sword, prophecized as the hero who would destroy or convert the nonbelievers, and swooned over by all the ladies. He tried to sell it to us for twelve bucks apiece-- which is apparently illegal, because of favoritism in the classroom. He threw a minor fit when I had a copy that I had borrowed from another kid, rather than actually paid for one.

His tests are like Jeopardy!, with memorization of factoids but no method or motive behind them. He asks who built the Great Wall of China, and in what dynasty, and in what era, but not why it was built-- the only thing I actually care about.

My ethics teacher is okay, but she's stepped down from teaching so that we can do this peer teaching thing for the various sub-disciplines in ethics. Great in theory, horrible in execution. Plus she says that morals come exclusively from religion and if you aren't religious you can't have morals-- which irks me. She very much reminds me of that often-misattributed Winston Churchill quote that isn't really a Winston Churchill quote: "If you're not a liberal when you're young, you have no heart. If you're not a conservative when you're old, you have no brain."

My chem class is a little boring, but the sweet old Greek man in charge is so nice and easy-going and refers to himself in the third person as if he witnessed every historical event firsthand and learned directly from the philosophers and scientists of yore. So I can't say anything bad about him. I just wish that I cared more. Last class, longest class. I get ansty.

P.S., I am so glad I am not fifteen anymore. Teenagers are fuckin' retarded. If I could erase one year of my life, let me tell you...

P.P.S., my Grand Am is fixed. Not that it matters because I've been driving a Taurus since I wrecked the first car. It'sa niiiice! The Grand Am will likely go to Adam. It looks like it never got beat-up. Unfortunately it also cost about two thousand dollars to fix, which was probably more than the value of the entire car anyways.
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