By Popular Demand

Sep 15, 2003 23:17

I got in trouble the other day for talking during announcements during american government ("Do you want a place where you can meet with and talk to other christians?" "Absolutely!" "ROBERT!"), so I had to write 5 five-syllable words. I forgot them, so it was up to Liz, the one to last get this punishment for talking during announcements, to decide whether I had to take a zero or just define 10 words. She decided I should get a zero oh no i'm just kidding Robbie um do 10 words. So, I brainstormed and came up with some good words (one of which, pharmacopoeia, I must thank Kelly for).

Fundamentalist - I used the Good Omens quote.
Homosexual - Many of the girls I know have amusing homosexual tendancies.
Assassination - The hitman behind the assassination poisoned the millionaire with the venom of the rare fugu fish.
Apocalyptic - Many citizens were stockpiling food and weapons in fear that the world was falling into an apocalyptic state.
Executioner - The executioner beheaded the man for hunting on the King's royal hunting grounds.
Decapitated - His decapitated body was then thrown to the King's hunting dogs for dinner.
Polyamorous - Many of the students of Riverview Community High School-- boys and girls alike-- exhibit polyamorous behavior.
Pharmacopoeia - "Quick! Hide our pharmacopoeia!" one criminal shouted to the other when he heard the rumour of the police raid.
Cannibalistic - Dave, who was previously unaware of his cannibalistic tendancies, smelled the roasting human flesh and suddenly craved a hamburger.
Bestiality - I had walked into the room at exactly the wrong moment, only to witness my friend performing acts of bestiality upon the family collie, Lassie.

Mr. Roberts, the fun newspaper teacher, read them and said I would probably be seeing the school counselor. "Now, Robert... How do these words make you feel?" I was on the floor laughing, and he said, "See, this would be the wrong thing to do. This would get you institutionalized." Needless to say, that didn't help the situation. Reading them in class was fun, though, because the teacher was either smiling to be polite, or smiling because she was about to crack up. I couldn't tell, but the class was cracking up. One of the preppy girls was crying, she was laughing so hard.

School's been a bit tough lately. I think I'm getting slightly better in my work ethic, though. I did, however, play Chrono Trigger all day instead of do my advanced algebra, physics, and reading of The Scarlet Letter. So maybe my work ethic is the same.

Today when I came home mom was going through four bottles of meds on the table. Two of the bottles only had one pill in them. I read the labels on them. "To be taken an hour before surgery." My aunt Sheila had just gotten a collagen injection in her lips. Deductive reasoning kicked in.
"Mother? What surgery?"
"I'm getting boobs. :b"
"I'm sick of none of my clothes fitting right blahblahblah"
Basically, my reaction was the same as Joseph's: a laugh of disbelief and a shaking of the head at the fact that everyone's afraid of imperfect.

Oh! And my D&D character is no longer blind as of next week, which is good, because I was completely fucking useless and had never before been inclined to quit D&D but I was then. But I can see now. Which is good.

Kat was kind of sad today, but the boob story cheered her up. Be happy, Kat! :DDD
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