...I think it can't be said often enough!
...I didn't post in a while.
...I think it's friggin' funny XDD
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Thank you Philipp, for being such a happy, huggy and lovable person.
Thank you Poldi and Schweini for being so... yeah XD
And thank you Micha, for being the Dork you are, jumping around on Torsten like that XDD
Oh, and because it has me (almost) silently squeeing:
Apparently happened at the game they had on the 13.09.2008
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Poldi almost looks like: "Hey-what? Did you-? Wha-?"
(And I know -I- was like, "HEY, did he-? DID he??...On his neck?!? o_o...*squee*")
(Gosh, I love the fact that I'm a fangirl :3 It's so much fun!)