(no subject)

Jan 25, 2008 19:23

Uhm... I'm slow, though I knew that already... And once again, I'm bored.

I've just watched two episodes from Happy Boys... and to me it's just the same as Beauty Boys, but that doesn't mean I'll stop watching it... KatouKei is there, as well as Seto, KenKen and Shidou Gaku~

Anyways, I just want to watch Sweet Boys and Mousou Shoujo Otaku Kei... Not really, I just want to watch Baba. I need to watch Babaaaa T__T;;

And, I'm in episode 135 of Bleach. I miss Ishida. And I absolutely enjoyed watching Hitsugaya, Matsumoto, Yumichika and Ikkaku in the real world doing silly things. And Ulquiorra and Grimmjoww both looks yummy <33

Ausdhoiad. Okay. Now meme. It was in various LJs a while ago... asdasd.

Each blogger starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.

* Bloggers that are tagged need to write on their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
* At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.

1. I'm clumsy enough to trip without any help. No rocks, no obstacles, nothing.

2. I don't like being stared at, even though I equally hate being -dressing, acting, etc- normal.

3. I can't live without a daily hug or kiss.

4. In morning, when waking up, I don't like to talk at all.

5. Even though I can cook cakes, desserts or almost any kind of sweet, I'm unable to cook simple, stupid pancakes.

6. I don't go out without being fairly presentable. Ever. It doesn't matter if it's just a few meters away from home.

7. I usually have chocolate stored somewhere.

8. I sleep with my arms and hands twisted under my chest/neck.

Cada persona empieza con 8 hechos/hábitos al azar sobre ellos mismos.

*Las personas que son nombradas deben escribir en su propio blog sobre 8 cosas y postear estas reglas.
*Al finalizar, debes escoger a 8 personas para hacer este meme y escribir sus nombres.

1. Soy lo suficientemente torpe para caerme sin ayuda. No necesito piedras, desniveles, obstáculos, nada.+

2. Detesto que me miren, aunque detesto igualmente actuar normal or vestirme normal.

3. No puedo vivir sin un beso o abrazo diario.

4. Cuando despierto en las mañanas, no me gusta hablar.

5. Aunque puedo cocinar tortas, dulces o cualquier cosa por el estilo, no soy capaz de hacer simples y estúpidos panqueques.

6. Nunca salgo sin estar arreglada. Ni siquiera a la esquina.

7. Usualemente tengo chocolates guardados en algún lado.

8. Duermo con mis manos y brazos torcidos bajo mi pecho/cuello.

I'm still bored~
EDIT: -stares at flist- o-o; Ehmm... I won't tag people, I really doubt more than three will do it XD;

spanish, rambling, english, meme

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