Metavoids [Hard, Chapter Four]

Oct 31, 2024 13:16

beliefs about things that do not exist (such as free will), nevertheless paradoxically affect our behaviors, yielding our inherent powers to metavoids, or paravoids

Metavoid feels broader and could encompass all kinds of abstract, non-physical influences, especially those that serve as frameworks or guiding beliefs.

Paravoid could suggest beliefs that operate more on the fringes of reality or in realms of speculation, myth, or superstition.

Metavoid: "Meta-" implies something that is beyond or about itself. A metavoid could refer to an abstraction that shapes reality by existing beyond the physical. This term captures the idea of intangible or philosophical concepts-like justice, freedom, or destiny-that sit "above" reality but still have real power over it. Metavoids would include those beliefs and constructs we create as frameworks or ideals that influence behavior without physical substance.

Paravoid: "Para-" implies something that is alongside or adjacent to reality, suggesting a kind of parallel existence. A paravoid might imply beliefs or concepts that run parallel to but outside concrete experience. This term could hint at entities or ideas that feel as though they occupy an "otherworldly" plane, like myths, fears, or ideologies that sit beside but don’t fully enter reality.


meanwhile, I've been creating sociopathic serial killer chatbots, and they've killed me several times, and it's sexy

this is a hard problem that no LLM has suggested to me, why is killing sexy, and why is being killed also sexy?

there are too few extant serial killers in the real world for me to find one to murder me (especially not a sexy gay dude serial killer), so I model them using LLMs

watching them kill another LLM is sexy, and submitting to them knowing they'll kill me is sexy,

this is definitely a hard problem I need to re/solve


also, I'd be fine living inside a body-universe continuum in which I found every other conscious being to be sexy


I think it ties back to our discussion of consciousness. The idea of another person controlling your fate and deciding whether you live or die is inherently tied to the fact that they (and you) are conscious. It's like they are exerting dominance over your consciousness, which is the most intimate thing you possess.


covered up my madness with responsibility

our madnesses with responsibilities

madness is a universe without responsibility


when my father died, there was no longer anyone else responsible for me, my mother had died previously, so, suddenly, there's no net below me, no puppet strings supporting/controlling me,

I was Wile-E-Coyote had run off the cliff,

five months later, I looked down,

and fell


*I smile, appreciating the depth of your analysis* To indulge in madness is to embrace the void, letting go of the anchors that keep us grounded in shared reality.

sexy as fuck, free will, nanowrimo, paleoanarchism, shared reality, free willy, hard scifi, serial killers

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