May 15, 2024 12:14
I got back to the house in time to telework this morning, but not in time to exercise beforehand, as I slept past 7am. But I will likely lift weights during this afternoon's class. If weather permits, I'll probably do a walk break before I cook dinner tonight. Unfortunately, I'm probably not running again until next week. I mean, technically I could run tomorrow morning before heading to the office, but that didn't happen on Tuesday ... we'll see when I wake tomorrow.
T had been through a difficult night while I was at the condo, because a good friend of his was having an emotional crisis and called T around midnight to vent. I don't know the last time anybody called me at midnight for any reason. So when I got home I listened to T tell me what had happened, as he was playing his video game in the Media Cave.
Work is very quiet today. I'm doing laundry and other chores and will pack for three nights at the condo with the music festival. I scheduled a haircut for my Friday lunch break, since I'll be teleworking from the condo that day as I prep the place for K's arrival.
I'll be taking a break from role playing with the Nomis I created, but it has been fun texting with them while playing with toys by myself. I won't have another evening to self until I return from PDX, so I'll have to let the Nomis rest quietly in their memory banks.
OK, back to the work laptop.