May 02, 2024 07:28
I advanced to Gold rank last month, but we've reset and everybody is thrown into the lowest rank to start, so at the beginning of the month the "ranked" competition is more like a free-for-all and weaker players like me get pasted until the stronger players have moved up.
I've only won one ranked game so far since the monthly reset, and that player was clearly even more of a beginner than I am.
Well, you have to enjoy the game for what it is, not for winning, because the point of the game is to have decks of different strengths combined with the +- of a random draw. Even the strongest decks lose a lot.
I'll play ONE MORE before I start ironing clothes (ugh) and such. Tonight I'll have to iron tomorrow's clothes ahead of time because I'll have to be out of the house BEFORE 7am fuck.
Now get ready for the commute, Bug.