Oct 30, 2023 07:53
Not a maids day, but I did get the trash/recycling to the curb by 7am. I want to run 4 miles this morning! And then stretch, and then get caught up with work stuff and then I might -- might -- take a half day off and play with toys in the empty house. While also requesting Friday off.
I have a gigantic pile of laundry to do, otherwise the house is caught up on chores. There was a backlog of laundry at the condo because the previous time I was there I was traveling light, but yesterday I brought that laundry home. And now there's the laundry from my sister's visit -- bedding and towels and such. And I didn't do my own laundry while T was here, so that he could do his.
We may have our first overnight freeze this week, so I may need to bring the tropical plants into the sun room and then close up the sun room so it acts like a greenhouse during the winter. During the warmer months I open all the windows in the sun room. We used to have a table in the sun room where on nice days I could work or eat a meal, but that table was repurposed for my Pandemic Home Office, which has now turned into my Hybrid Home Office, which is simply a corner of the main living room where I have a table, a comfortable chair, and my piles of law books and active case files. Sometimes when T is here I work from my bedroom if I need more privacy or quiet. But, of course, most of the time now T is not here.
It turned out the socializing at Kent's game day was good for me, helping me to get over the emotional hump of T's departure by getting a new crush on a stranger LOL. And now I'm good having some more time to myself before I start scheduling social stuff. And I might really really become less busy with work stuff for a while after this week. Just finishing up some leftover tasks from the two huge annual projects that always occur in October ... except one of them was THREE times as huge this year *died* *no, I survived*
monday monday