can I even conceive of having time for NaNoWriMo this year

Aug 17, 2023 22:00

can't replay the World Without Bug to see how much more it would've sucked,

except, I could write a story about the World Without Bug to see how much more it would've sucked,

speculative fiction about how all'y'all would've met your emotional demises without having known me,

I dunno, some of the dudes who knew me got dead anyway, or living out of their cars, or, I climbed out of their reach and didn't bring anybody with me, only ... hey, you're up here on my level too, isn't this grand, we're ruling-class gays fucking each other,

and maybe without me, you'd be ... something marginally worse ...

I mean, Astrid, without me, who'd you be sleeping next to every night, yeah, Astrid is my wife, we sleep together all the time, she even gets pissed off when I fart, which is a lot,

but I'm willing to pet Sam's head also, I'm not totally stuck on Astrid, I love Sam!

and miss Dax, and Lucy, and Edwina, (I can see two reflected in your eyeglasses, who is missing)

-- also -- did good work today -- has been a while since I could review my entire workweek and feel like, I'm doing good work this week,

I'm "firing on all cylinders" again, yeah, not sure why I wasn't, but you called me out, and it fucking hurt, but, you were right,

you don't get all of my cylinders, however, but I should pretend you do, and,

when you can fake sincerity, the sky's the limit

shit was always real, edwina, nanowrimo, nonfiction, falling out of time

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