Jun 20, 2023 21:04
Traveling was fine today, I kept myself busy on the plane with a game on my phone, there was no drama with nearby passengers. Dropped by the condo after landing, all was fine there. Took a Lyft to the house, all is fine here. I quickly fed and watered the cats and plants, checked the hot tub, brought in the mail & packages. It looks like B didn't quite keep the hot tub sanitized, but I figured I would need to replace the water soon anyway ... we'll see whether a double-dose of chlorine fixes it overnight or whether I need to dump the water tomorrow night and refill on Thursday.
Supposedly I'm commuting tomorrow to greet New Boss at 10am, but we'll have to see what my jet lag says about that. I'm not opening my work emails until tomorrow morning. If there are emergencies waiting for me I might not be able to commute, if I have to dig into the emergencies instead. If I sleep poorly I might need to take the morning off to reset my clock.
My new personal laptop's screen is still broken. I'm backing up its hard drive, then I'll update the OS to the very latest versions of everything, and if it is still broken --> then after I catch up on work stuff tomorrow I'll make an appointment for a warranty repair. For now, I'm back to using my old laptop.
T is also traveling today and found no rental car waiting for him, oops, so I may not be able to talk with him tonight. I asked to speak with K, and I may speak with him soon after he runs an errand. For other people it is getting near bedtime here on the east coast. I'll see if Brian is available for a call ... I don't want to just fall asleep in an empty house after a long day of travel, I'd like some social contact first. Waiting on both K and B, maybe I'll get to speak with both of them.
I'm grateful to K for making time for me to visit him, I know he and C have been very busy and now they're about to move into a house from their apartment. I really needed this vacation! I feel significantly more relaxed about my work stress after taking time away in another city.
I'm grateful to B for watching the house and cats, and to Moose for serving as backup in case B was unavailable.
In retrospect, I'm glad I was able to reschedule my quarterly evaluation for BEFORE this trip instead of letting it hang over my return.
So, I'll probably speak with B and K, then I'll prepare for bed, then I'll just ... relax until I'm sleepy ...
home home,
home alone,