they do their math differently, but similar conclusion

Jan 04, 2023 09:08

If you earn over $100,000/year, like I do, this article says you need to cut your carbon consumption by 97%. If you earn over $38,000/year, like most US residents do, you need to cut your carbon consumption by 91%.

“Any transition towards sustainability can only be effective if far-reaching lifestyle changes complement technological advancements.”

The pandemic led to a 10 percent drop in US carbon emissions in 2020. We must hit that target every year this decade to stabilize at 1.5°C.

I'm currently doing a 5% drop per year ... although by giving my cash away I'm increasing the spending (and therefore emissions) of other people (whether abortionists or veterinarians or Green politicians). Which is something that is tugging at my moral sweater, threatening to unravel it ... but what else would I do with my cash, withdraw it as paper money and shred it? A problem with that -- the Fed prints trillions more cash whenever it pleases to push up overall economic demand consistent with average exponential GDP growth of at least 2%/year.

Well, one person's efforts were never going to fix global ecological catastrophe, the point has always been to set an example.

global green communism, more of everything

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