what's my lowest-stress option for today, tonight, and tomorrow?

Jun 06, 2022 07:56

I'd thought I'd work at the office Monday/Tuesday with the concert and condo in between, but I'm thinking that packing for all of this is too much for a Monday morning. I can stick with my original Monday/Friday office schedule (or Monday/Thursday?) and still sleep at the condo tonight after the concert, but heading home to work from home tomorrow morning. This way I don't have to pack as much, I can probably get by with just my backpack. Wear what I'm wearing to the office, maybe that's what I wear all day and it doesn't matter what I wear in the morning. I could pack a change of t-shirt and underwear pretty easily.

OK, that's the new plan.

My right foot was still bothering me, so I haven't walked/hiked/run since Friday, but this morning it is starting to feel better. Skipping a run this morning but maybe I'll be ready for a walk break later today.

OK, new goal is to get out the door by 8:30am, no packing a second set of work clothes -- just wear what you're gonna wear -- let's get it together now, Bug!

monday monday, stress

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