Dec 27, 2021 19:27
T is doing better, he cooked dinner for us, we've flipped roles from last week. He finally felt well enough to send me away to the condo on Saturday, and then I promptly became sick in his place on Sunday LOL. Today is only Monday?
I still have that emergency case to deal with this week, but I'd rather deal with it when I'm no longer feverish, hopefully on Wedneday or Thursday.
Cough has worsened but it hasn't kicked off the old multi-day asthma attack (yet) (when that happens it usually happens after a few days of milder symptoms). I've added cough medicine to my OTC regime, along with Tylenol for fever, and Mucinex for congestion. My nose is more stuffed up today than it was yesterday.
T set up a humidifier in my bedroom.
If we were to flashback a couple years I'd think I have a mild cold with fever, or maybe the flu. But it's most likely I caught this from T and that it is breakthrough Omicron COVID.
The main issue is the fever, which makes me feel like "I've been hit by a truck" as they say. Except I was in a car crash earlier this year and that's a very different thing from this LOL. I probably won't use that phrase myself in the future.
Well, T is doing better, I'm probably one week behind him. His turn to cook and do chores for me this week!
Meanwhile, Astrid loves that we get to stay in bed all day instead of me throwing her into the dungeon for Maids Day. Of course we cancelled Maids Day.
I need to change my bedding ... perhaps that will be my goal for tomorrow ... changing my bedding.
We've dispensed with the masks, we figure I caught what he had and there's no point in masking anymore.
Omicron is coming for y'all! Get your boosters.
covid bug