vaccine discordant quarantine bubbles

Jan 27, 2021 19:06

Plenty of people will face this, either explicitly or implicitly, as not everybody in a Quarantine bubble will get vaccinated at the same time.  In my own case, T, B, and I all have different employers and/or health insurers.  I'm the oldest and have asthma, T has his own health issues.  B is younger.  T and I live in Maryland, B in DC -- and DC is ahead of MD in per capita doses.

Who will get his vaccine first?  And then, let's assume it is me.  What if two weeks after my dose(s) I'm ready to do things like get on airplanes and go on dates outside of our bubble?

I discussed it with T.  Are you concerned that although I'd have vaccine immunity that I might unintentionally bring back COVID to you from spending time with other people?

He didn't think that was a concern.  He said it is unlikely I would become infectious after the vaccine takes effect.  OK, then, I'm not waiting on both of us, I'm just waiting on myself!

But no idea how long that wait will be.  Maryland is behind on giving out shots, so ... I just checked, around here they're still focusing on the people 75 and older.


I discussed my self-haircut plan with T -- the #3 all around.  He strongly suggests having his barber friend come over to cut my hair while we all wear masks, but I still think that's too risky right now.  A guy who is cutting lots of people's hair, even while wearing masks, is exposing himself to a lot of people in close proximity for 20 minutes at a time.  So, soon I'll do the #3 all over.  I expect I'll hate it, but then as my hair grows back out I'll try to let it grow higher on top while going tighter on the sides.

I often think these kinds of close haircuts are sexy on other guys.  But I've had the same haircut forever, looking different will be shocking to me.

But it cannot be worse than the crazy mop of hair I've got now.  It's flopping and curling all over the place, and when I get up in the morning, or after I exercise, I look like a mad professor until I take a shower.  It's been at least four months since K last cut it for me.  Wow, nearly four months since K moved away.  Doesn't seem that long, somehow.  But my life since has been a lot of same thing same thing same thing.

after the vaccine, hair, quarantine

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