May 22, 2020 20:40
It's in the fridge. Like he has to wait until the ultimate moment to eat it. Like it's a work of art.
I don't know when he'll eat it. Later tonight? Tomorrow? It might become a statue.
First, he played with my cock. Nobody else ever plays with my cock, it is locked up. K unlocks my cock and plays with it. Nobody else does that.
This is heaven, if your cock is mostly locked up.
But this is also heaven, if you brought a sashimi boat, and he hasn't eaten it yet.
He's in heaven. We're both in heaven. Unlocked cock, sashimi boat uneaten.
So, he doesn't eat it, because then heaven would be cancelled.
I fist him. More easily and more thoroughly than ever before. And I'm thinking,
I sprayed dungeon $$$$ out of my [cock] wallet, all over the floor, all over the storage box, I sprayed dungeon $perm, I sprayed Quarantine $perm,
into his,
he's going to cut my hair tomorrow?
when will we/he eat the sashimi?
Who the fuck will I look like tomorrow?
I asked Tod if he would fix it, if it needs fixing, and he's like, what, I have no hair, you fix my non-hair, what,
my hair may be unfixable
And that's my 2020 meme, bitches,
my hair may be unfixable
But I brought sashimi, and that gets me points, lots of points, most points since his mother broke him out of jail, yep, that's what I'm gonna tell him in the morning,
"How do you know about that?!"
because we talk, at night, and I know you,
You say you don't remember these conversations, but I caught you, just now, you remembered, that other conversation, that you said you didn't remember,
I will remember you, you will remember me, but then there will be no memories, we aren't important enough. And we will disappoint you anyway. There are no heroes. There's only,
Sashimi Boat!
Might delete later, as they say on the social media.
stoner bug,