"Maybe if Go's arms were to be my forever home, but they're not."
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Getting_Go:_The_Go_Doc_Project it's indie gay film night here, this is one of my favorites
the scene of them sleeping, snuggling together, is wonderfully long and still, you don't see film like this --> minutes of them in bed together, not moving, listening to music --> it is moments like this in my real life that feed me for weeks -->
lying next to K, listening to music, rubbing his head, rubbing his back, and beginning to fall asleep -- those minutes of lying next to K, listening to music, rubbing his head, rubbing his back,
my cock locked,
it's my water, it's my sunlight, it's my carbon dioxide, it sustains me, and this film captures that sensation, but then the protagonist throws it away, because those arms aren't his "forever home"
there is no forever home
I tried to have two forever homes-- one with KWC, one with Tod -- I invited K into one of my forever homes, but there is no forever home,
I'm only able to persist in this home with Tod because he agrees now that it isn't permanent -- once he agreed, we started getting along better than we have in years
Love is wonderful because it is not forever home. It is fleeting, and beautiful, and gorgeous, like a flower.
You can't hold onto it. You have to let it go. Sometimes it comes back, but you have to let it go. You can plant more, but you have to let them go.
Getting Go is about letting go.