Aug 24, 2019 18:26
I've been bumping up against mileage limits with my running this year, because I haven't been stretching, because of a GERD problem. I'm not supposed to lie down for two hours after eating.
So ... when was I supposed to stretch? I snack all day long, there's not two hours after eating until it is bedtime.
I've had to switch to stretching right when I wake up, before I eat breakfast. Pre-now, the first thing I'd do in the morning was eat breakfast. I totally can't live without breakfast! It's like the night sweats, I've always been this way. MUST HAVE BREAKFAST. Apparently sleeping wears me out. Maybe the sleep apnea that I experience as a nightly sleep adventure with vivid dreams and sweat.
If I can delay breakfast for 15-20 minutes, then I can stretch first. So, I've been stretching again, and now I'm hoping I'll be able to run farther without having piriformis and IT band issues. Five miles today was cool. I'll keep ramping up each week, like I've been doing for years, ramp it up, cut it back, ramp it up.
I'm pretty happy with my body, though, as I turn 52 next month. My body has some issues, more issues than before, but I'm dealing with them, nothing is keeping me from maintaining overall health and exercise.
I still don't want to focus on the scale. I don't want to get into that headspace. I want my body shape to result from my organic choices. And I'm happy right now with how that's working. And I'm having no problem holding onto my longish-term play partners.