Jun 07, 2016 05:54
The Associated Press, NBC, ABC, the Washington Post, and probably other news organizations called the Democratic nomination for Hillary Clinton last night. I think they were correct to do so, she has the required number of pledged and unpledged (aka "super") delegates to win. The nomination race is effectively over for both major parties.
I can understand the frustration of people who live in states that haven't voted yet, but that's the craziness of our state-by-state primary system that drags out over several months. We ought to have a national primary system where everybody votes at the same time, instead of letting tiny Iowa go first and huge California go almost last, four months later.
Similarly, we ought to get rid of the Electoral College in favor of using a nationwide popular vote in the general election. Because 78% of us don't live in swing states and have no say in November's Clinton vs. Trump match.
If you are feeling frustrated and disenfranchised, that's because you are. But don't blame the media for calling the race. Under the current system, Hillary has the required delegates to win, and there is nothing Bernie can do about it now. Today's votes in California (and five other states) don't matter.
Instead of remaining attached to a now pointless loyalty to Bernie, I wish his supporters -- and everybody else -- would embrace ideas of reforming the nomination and general election systems to be inclusive of all voters across the country.
Get rid of caucuses that require people to show up in person at the same time for group voting. Instead allow everybody to vote by mail, with the entire country's votes due to be postmarked on the same day.
Create automatic voter registration systems -- when you get a driver's license you are registered, when you get a Social Security number or passport you are registered, when you file your taxes you are registered. When you register for the draft, you are registered to vote. Everybody who interacts with the government in a formal way should be automatically registered to vote!
Make it easier for smaller and newer parties to get on the ballot. Get rid of partisan gerrymandering for House seats. Ultimately, replace the Senate with a chamber that represents the entire country on a proportional vote basis. And add public financing of campaigns as a counterweight to the Super PACs, perhaps via a voucher system where every voter can direct $25 in federal money to the federal candidate of her choice.
These ought to be nonpartisan reforms that everybody can agree with. Instead we can all continue to feel frustrated with partisan gridlock and endless presidential campaigns, yeah.