Title: 少しでいれば充分だよ (Sufficient even if its a little)
kanzakishinWord Count: 232
Pairing: Juntoshi, Yama
Rating: G
Genre: angst
Disclaimer: I don't own Arashi, except for a few of their albums:D
Summary: He doesn't realise he's in love. Awful summary, haha.
"Even if its a little, please, please, please look at me." Sho has been chanting that sentence over and over again in his heart.
Satoshi's been with Jun for as long as I've been friends with him. I developed a crush on Satoshi soon after the first time I met him. My heart did tiny jumps everytime I meet him (even when I receive a mail or call from him). Despite knowing that he's attached to Jun, I continued to like him. The crush soon grew into love unknowingly.
I hate it whenever Jun is around us. Nonetheless, I hid my annoyance perfectly well and it was unnoticeable. The three of us even became 'best friends'.
I was deeply in love with Satoshi by the time I finally came to realise my own feelings. No one knew and no one stopped me. An unrequited love that grows stronger day by day.
I thought I needed to confess. This whole thing is suffocating me and I desperately wanted, no, needed to tell Satoshi. But I won't. No matter what. I have to protect his happiness.
I know you wouldn't return my feelings but please, don't lock me out of your life. I think I can survive with you looking at me as a friend. I may just survive, I think.
So do continue to look at me, even if its a little.
Notes: Its been a long, long time since I last wrote anything. This short drabble isn't beta-ed so pardon any language errors, haha. Comments are greatly appreciated!:)