Warm Bodies

Feb 11, 2013 17:51

I write after enjoying a whole book (of non-short stories) for the first time in far too long.  I picked it up mainly because the movie came out in the states on the first and me being a law abiding citizen (for more than a month now without exception, I'll have you know) I haven't any means by which to watch it.  The book is thus:

The movie goes by the same title and, to me, looks quite awesome.  If you go by the trailer it seems a much lighter and comedic pic, but hey.  Whenever it comes to instant, I'll let you know

In the meantime, the book was wonderful.  I'm not usually fond of post-apocalyptic stuff, but this one had more than enough heart to win me over.  It was sweet and just the right kind of corny and wonderful.

The book follows a zombie named R.  He is not entirely at peace with his shambling existence, but really he doesn't stand out all that much from the slowly rotting crowd.  That is, until he runs across a girl named Julie.  Whether it's the neurons of the brain he just ate firing oddly or the remnants of his own person seeing something special in her, it's hard to say, but he saves her from the others and takes her home.  The two bond over Sinatra and frozen Pad Thai and suddenly R isn't as dead as he should probably be.

The story is full of hope and wonder and everything that zombie-stories shouldn't be and I love it all the more for it.  No, it's probably not going to be remembered as a masterpiece of literature.  It has its share of problems, I'll admit.  But it is nice to see something this enjoyable emerging from the mass of Twilight copies taking over the literary world
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