Ask me any one question about my writing, then post this in your LJ, so I can satisfy my curiosity about yours.
Finally -
Holy crap! You got ALL the questions right! I
really can't believe it, so I'm going to
personally think of you as a cheater, or as a
close friend that has heard me blabber about
this kind of stuff before. (In which case,
you're still a cheater.) And if you're's some kind of miracle that perhaps
you own the YYH Perfect File art books, speak
Japanese, and love Kurama as much as I do. Or
you're just an otaku piece of crap. In either
case, this picture is for you.
Impossibly Hard Kurama (Shuuichi) Yu Yu Hakusho Quiz with PICS! brought to you by
Quizilla ...I missed the last half of the series, only saw Yukina in manga, and skipped Genkai's saga, not to mention many parts of the Dark Tournament. 1/4 of the time I guessed. I feel really weird.