May 28, 2010 20:48

Keepin’ it Surreal Chapter 11


DANNY: -carrying a package under his arm, enters and exits a tent-
BLUE G.: Halt.
DANNY: Shit! -turns around- Is there a problem sir?
BLUE G.: You wouldn’t know anything about any Revolutionary activity would you?
DANNY: Me? No sir. Why do you ask?
BLUE G.: -suddenly gains a female voice (Janet) - Because you keep abandoning your responsibilities. You keep leaving me.
DANNY: -blinks- I’m sorry, what?
BLUE G.: -normal- Young man are you high?
DANNY: No. Look uh, I don’t mean to be rude, but I really need to go. I’m running errands for someone you see and-
BLUE G.: Sir, if you would come with me.
DANNY: No, really. I don’t know any-
BLUE G.: I think you should come with me.

ANGIE: -adjusting his headphones-
(DANNY: -screaming static, leg was blown off; Blue G. is dead on top of him-)


JOHN: -limping out of a room-
MICHEAL: John, are you okay? I heard your screaming.
JOHN: -falls to one knee revealing his whipped raw back-
MICHEAL: John. You were hurt because of me.
JOHN: I’m going to protect. Elijah and Andrew aren’t here to do it.
MICHEAL: You don’t have to do that-
JOHN: I’m not losing my last brother. We’ve both lost too much.
MICHEAL: -smiles weakly- Here, let me help you. -let’s John lean all his weight on him so he can walk-


DOCTOR: -runs in a tent carrying a crying little girl- It’s madness out there.

MARIE: Honey, we trusted you to take care of your siblings. You’re a big boy; you needed to be strong for them.
JOHNSON: Son, we’re not angry. We’re just disappointed.
BROOKLYN: Ye should’ve realized that he wasn’t ready to get over me. He’s as much a love struck fool as you.
(Johnson and Marie/Torrid and Danny when they were younger/Angie and Janet’s birth/Brooklyn’s death/art school/parents death/Danny get’s custody of Angie/let’s go of Angie’s hand)
DANNY: What have I done?
ANDREA: Danny. -puts a hand on his shoulder- I’m so sorry this happened to you.
DANNY: It’s my fault. I was too selfish to take responsibility.
ANDREA: What are you talking about?
DANNY: My siblings. Angie, he needed me to take care of him. I was so damn stubborn.
ANDREA: Your brother? What does he have to do with this? Isn’t he safe with your sister in Shimbu?
DANNY: Yeah, that was the last thing my sister needed. She took better care of both of us than I ever did. I dropped out of school, I stopped doing what I loved, stopped drawing because I had over privileged friends who had their parents money to fall back on and were so full of shit- (crying) I’m an idiot and a failure.
ANDREA: Danny! Stop talking like that. I’ll be okay, I promise. Remember, if you hadn’t left we wouldn’t have met. -kisses him-


ERIC: -staring out a window-
ANNIE: -opens the door- Eric, what is going on out there?
ERIC: I’ve opened all frequencies and I’m waiting for an answer.
ANNIE: Is it the Revolutionaries?
ERIC: Yes, but it can’t touch us here. We’re the very heart of Namubla, protected and safe.
ANNIE: -smiles sweetly- Of course we are. Didn’t you approve of some funds to reinforce the inner wall? Though it does bring to question what people outside the innermost wall are going to do if the city is invaded.
ERIC: It doesn’t matter. -looks slightly more depraved- It never really has. Wouldn’t you agree Ms. Cottener?
ANNIE: Your own people don’t matter to you?
ERIC: They’re not my people. I wasn’t made for them. I was made from a dream that one man had many years ago. -laughs- I’m sorry, I’m not making any sense.
ANNIE: Perhaps you should rest.
ERIC: Yes, yes. There’s something I have to do first though.

ARIZONA: Hey, Mr. Redhead?
TORRID: It’s Torrid.
ARIZONA: I don’t want to seem disrespectful, but we really can’t stay here long. Kansas wants to be at Nambula before sunset.
TORRID: Alright. -walks over and taps Elijah- Hey, when are you going to be done?
ELIJAH: -no response-
TORRID: Elijah? -shakes him-
ELIJAH: -eyes closed; surrounded by the souls of the dead- (Azuni) May you find your way home.
ELIJAH: -opens eyes and smiles-
TORRID: You okay?
ELIJAH: As okay as I can be, I suppose. Do we need to go?
TORRID: -nods and leads him away-

CHIVES: -sees Eric use a secret door, waits by it for a few minutes then bashes it in with his cane-
ANNIE: Well, it took you long enough.
CHIVES: Patience will reward you, Ms. Cottener.
ANNIE: I suppose so.
CHIVES: Ladies first. You’re more nimble than I am.
ANNIE: That’s a lie if I’ve ever heard one. -they go down the deep dark hall-

ERIC: You can’t seriously suggest that we use them?
HYDE: If the Revolutionaries push through the walls then the State will already be lost. What good will our continued power do if we are killed?
ERIC: Power. That’s all our predecessors ever thought about. Power over this rank pit of hell called a country!
HYDE: Interesting choice of words from a man who’s never ventured past Nambula’s inner wall.
ERIC: You’re one to talk! You’ve never even left this laboratory.
HYDE: I would if I could. -lights flicker on revealing Hyde connected by wires to the computer he operates-

ANNIE: -sees rows of vats- What in the world?
CHIVES: Ms. Cottener! -takes down an E.G. with his cane-
ANNIE: And you said I was more nimble.
CHICES: More nimble. I never said that I wasn’t nimble.
ANNIE: -removes her ridiculous heels revealing them to be weapons- As for you…
E.G.: -quirks his head as Chives holds him down- Me?
ANNIE: What is your name?
E.G.: I have no name. Only a call number. -Elite Guard come out of nowhere- And I am only one of many.
ANNIE: They look the same.
CHIVES: Clones. That isn’t technically illegal.
ANNIE: Don’t speak so soon. We haven’t seen the entire lab yet. -takes down a couple E.G. with a laser pen-

HYDE: You are a paranoid fool. Fearing to venture into the outside wall, but welcoming it in when it comes to greet you.
ERIC: We can’t be an independent nation anymore. The International Council has started to notice how we thrive without that much trade.
HYDE: Then why don’t we just join the International Council?
ERIC: Because the patriotism of the people is needed for our continued existence. Along with the existence of our “heirs”.
HYDE: I’m proud of you Eric. Not once have you mentioned Kathy.
ERIC: That’s because I’ve found her. -points to a data screen-
HYDE: -eyes widen- No.


ANDREA: Is there anything you want Danny? It’s a war out there, we may not survive it.
DANNY: There’s only one thing I really want. Something I’ve always wanted.
ANDREA: What is it?
DANNY: Can I have some paper and something to draw with?
ANDREA: I’ll see what I can find for you.
DANNY: If I can draw one more time before I die I’ll be happy. -grins and remembers drawing with Torrid sitting across from him and later with Angie-


I hope the relevations of the chapter aren't coming completely out of nowhere. Maybe I need to go back and revise some earlier chapters. What do you guys things?

keepin' it surreal

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