Non-lucid, good recall: Chasing, Slope, Modern Warfare

Jan 07, 2011 21:00

The first part, as I recall it, had me riding some kind of vehicle with two arms used for grabbing and digging. It was predominately red and yellow, with yellow being the color of the hydraulic tubes. I was rather young and was wearing a work helmet with work clothes. In fact, my overall bearing and personality, as well as appearance, were that of the young Simon from the beginning of Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagaan.

So, while riding this machine, I was told by someone behind me that I was supposed to be finding and capturing two creatures; one big, and one small. Wanting to get into the spirit of things, I ran it forward along a large crevasse a few feet wide in the dry earth around me. It was midday here, and you could see everyone in the light. There was scarcely a plant in sight. The crevasse was in a straight line, and it seemed obvious that I should follow it for a ways. After going a ways, we did come upon the small one. It was running ahead of us through the crevasse, which was fifteen or so feet deep at this point, with a flat bottom. Up ahead there was an opening where another crevasse intersected this one, making a cross of sorts. I sped up quite a bit and reached this opening, held the arms just above it, and waited. When the animal came through it, I reached down using the levels to either side of me and pinched it between the two arms, like a claw. I then threw it up into the air a bit and  caught it in a more flexible position that before, twisting one of the arms back around to its normal position. The creature was very small indeed in comparison to the machine, and it looked like a very round kind of rat, though it was probably at least half of my height in diameter on the ground.

We put into the back of the pick-up truck that we had with us, and we drove off in that. We must have left the machine where is was, because it was not with us here at this point. I do not recall the driving, but we came up to a large white triangle of sorts that appeared to be made of fur of some kind. It was perhaps seven feet long along the bottom and a little less than a foot wide. The two sides on the top were of equal length, though the bottom one was not. The one who was with me was male, by the way. Possibly Kamina, but I do not think so, as he would have been more central to the story here. Well, I went up to the triangle and stroked it, to which it purred. I came to realize that it was the large creature, and that I was supposed to capture it. It was also incredibly soft, to the point of causing euphoria. I got overly excited and jumped up and down, rubbing myself all over it. I snapped out of it a moment later and proceeded to fold it in half  and carry it over to the truck; it was not very heavy, and did not seem to want to struggle. It let me carry it over to the truck and put it in the bed, even unto strapping it down so that it would not fly away in the wind. Perhaps it was not able to move in its own. I climbed into the passenger seat of the truck and began we began to drive off. That is all I remember here...

Next, I was at the bottom of a ravine and was facing a sheer cliff wall that came in at close to a ninety degree angle. Behind was a wide river, and before me the slope, which seemed to be made of a kind of earth that was marked with humps all across its surface. The humps were several feet in diameter, and remind me of a toad's back, though the humps were far closer together than that. They covered the entire cliff face, and I could not see the top of it because of this. That and because it too high up for that. It seem to get shallower as it went up, and it may have leveled off at the top, for all I know. The earth below and on the cliff was a dark drown, with a lighter tan coloring beneath me. There were a few trees growing out of the side of the cliff face here and there, but not enough to provide much cover for the land below. Well, anyway, I set out for the top from the bottom. Or, at least, somewhere in the middle of it; I had a building to get to, and it was built into the side of this place. I noticed immediately that the humps would be of great help, and set about using the sides of them as footholds, pulling myself up to the next one with my hands and arms.

Soon after I began climbing, it became obvious that I was not alone. There was, below me, some kind of humanoid stone creature, though it may have been made of the same kind of hard earth that the cliff side was. I believe that it was, actually, as it came up towards me and I kicked out at it, knocking it down easily. It did not have the feel of solid stone to it. It was wearing a kind of tribal mask, though, so I could see its face, or if it had one or not. It was quite a bit larger an average person in both height and build, and could be called a giant, by those standards. Looking around for more of them, I began to climb faster, zigging and zagging on my way up this time. I got up far enough to die from a fall when I saw another one behind me, and got ready like before. I figured that so long as I had the high ground, gravity would do most of my work for me, and all that I had to do was knock them loose enough for them to fall. So, I got on top of a rather large hump and kicked it in the stomach as it came up over the front of it, and then lunged forward punch it down in the chest. I was having some trouble, though, as they were far larger and so took more effort to offset with my frail body by comparison. Instead of falling back, it fell into me, and I had to step back and elbow it in the chest again with all my might to send it back down, causing me to almost fall myself. I took a moment to catch my breath and then continued up the close, to which time began to move faster. After a few more attacks by these stone monsters, I came to the building in question, and could see a room sticking out from under an overhang where the roof would have been otherwise. There was a large free in front of it, and a bit of flat ground, so I stood there to rest before going in.

Before I could go in, however, another of them came towards, and this one was very large indeed. Its hand was was twice the size that I was, and it was very hard to keep my footing with it waving them around, as they generated a gust in the wind with their passing. The humps were rather large here, and I crawled down into the space between two of them to hide, moving to the as one of the hands tried to down into reach down into them.

The next thing that I knew, I was inside of the room that I had seen from outside, and it was part of a library. All of the walls were lined with shelves, and these shelves were full of old hardback books, so I found it to my liking. I was wearing some black robes here, and so was the other young man who came into the room via a door in the back and to right, facing it from the cliff wall, but forward and to the left from where I was standing. The entire wall facing the outside was lined with windows, and I could see the giant that was grabbing for me from just minutes earlier looking around for me. I turned towards the man who had come in, and he handed me a book with an ornate design embroidered into the cover. I did not think much of it, but upon opening it and reading it for a bit, it dissolved into my hand, and I had the feeling of gaining power, as if I had gained a hint or gotten some kind of power-up in a game. I then came outside again, and repelled the giant's fist when it came down, as well as sending another, smaller one flying with a palm of my hand, to which it crumbled mid-air. That is all that I remember here.

Next, I was having a strategy meeting with four other men under an old pine tree in a drab looking landscape full of broken down cars and rundown sheds. We were all wearing military uniforms with camouflage here and there, and were carrying guns, armed to the teeth. I am willing to guess that this part was greatly influenced by watching my brothers play Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 on the Playstation 3 every once in a while. I had a supply of grenades, an assault rifle, and, always my favorite, a shotgun. We appeared to be up against another team of four, and the situation was pretty obvious. It was every man for himself, and we were supposed to meet up at that old hanger right next to us on the left in an indeterminate amount of time. So, we set off on our separate ways and were soon dodging gunfire that would have hit had we stayed standing still any longer.

While this was happening, I ducked behind a car nearby and pulled out my shotgun, shooting the first head that came into sight from behind a building to my right. After killing the same guy a few times, only to have him back around in the same way, I began to think that something was strange here; people were respawning in real life. Not thinking too much of it, however, I simply inched away from the car and made a kind of ducking sprint away and to my right of it, towards the hanger mentioned earlier. I saw another member of the enemy team in a car not too far away, and switch to my assault rifle for some quick damage before throwing a grenade right into him, causing the car to explode along with him. Yet another came towards me to the left of the car, and I pulled out my shotgun again to take him out before he could fire at me. I then saw one of my friends behind me inside of the ranger, which had a glass side facing me, and he waved me over, to which I followed.

I came around to the right side of it and pulled open the steel sliding doors, walking in carefully behind my fellow man. He was yelling out to a player from the other team, and they appeared to be coming to an agreement on something. He told me that an exchange was being made, and that we had realized that fighting was both useless and meaningless, as we had no cause, and that I should close the doors because of this. So, he went to the center of the glass wall and took a wad of twenty dollar bills and taped it to the back of it before closing it and ducking down with his rifle held close to his chest. I, on the other hand, went back to the door at the far end where I come in and pulled the two sides close together, holding them shut until the crisis was over. A small creature was trying to get in through the small opening at the bottom of the door, however, and I was tempted to let it in, though I dared not open the door. It was small and slender, though I do not recall what it was; it could have been either a rat or a kitten, for all I know. That is all that I recall for this one.

books, tengen toppa gurren lagaan, night, day, good recall, chase, non-lucid, modern warfare, simon

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