I just want to note that I haven't actually been reading my friends page for a few weeks now...I've been busy most of the time I've been on my computer. I'll remedy that soon, but I won't be catching up on everything I've missed....it'll take far too long. If I missed something vital, just let me know...
It's been an....interesting week. I had the last of my exams today - my Japanese written. Didn't go amazingly, but I think I did okay..
I think overall, I should have just about pulled it off. I hope.... -_-)
Been resolving a rather long-term problem with someone, or at least working towards resolving it. I still feel edgy, but hopeful (as always) that it will actually be a real resolution this time and things will work well. So, I'm taking it slowly. I think it's worth it and I guess I hope I'm valued enough for the friend to truly want to work at it as well. A friend told me that people don't change that quickly, and I know that. But...I don't want to turn out that pessimistic. I want to hope that over time, people can change. Because it is a rather depressing view if I have to believe they can't. I don't want to believe that.
Have been working a little at Paul Kent Hall again to do the manager a favour. However, today she told me that she cannot take me on for the summer because I can't stay through all the conferences.
I'm having mini-panics over that myself to be honest. I don't want to leave Oxford when my contract ends on the 21st July. Though I've been pretending I can, staying at home from the 1st July - 13th September will be a nightmare. My mother and I's last record of harmony before the arguing started was...5 days. I get pretty down having to live in such a tense situation.
I don't want to hurt her feelings, but I think I will have to find temporary accommodation for a few weeks at least...I don't really want to be going to Japan with feeling glad to get away from her. And whenever we try to discuss this kind of problem, she thinks I'm insulting her, when I'm not...I'm just pointing out that we have a difficult relationship and that it makes the house a hard place to live when I'm home.
So...I need to think quite a bit. Maybe I should call my dad. Although he'll try and side with her on the issue, he also knows what happens when I come home. And it won't be a picnic for anyone.
So I'll have to work a lot of hours at Pizza Hut. I am not happy about this, but I don't have a choice now. Fortunately, I get a little respite in that Carol at Paul Kent is giving me hours every morning for two weeks. I'm essentially sorting out her office, tidying all of her paperwork, filing, labelling, etc.
I really should be feeling quite liberated and happy to be free after having finished the last exam. But...I'm just stressed about the summer now.
My week
Friday 15th
Paul Kent Hall 3-6pm
Party -7.30pm
Saturday 16th
No work. Blitz at 9pm probably.
Sunday 17th
Monday 18th
Paul Kent 10am - 2pm
Clive Booth 4pm-6pm
Tuesday 19th
Paul Kent 8.30am-11am
Pizza Hut 12pm-3pm
Wednesday 20th
Paul Kent 8.30am-11am
Pizza Hut 12pm-3pm
Thursday 21st
Paul Kent 10am - 2pm
Friday 22nd
Paul Kent 10am - 2pm
EDIT: Um. Starting work. Not startling.