
Nov 24, 2011 21:09

Who: 4 and Lenalee
Status: closed

Style: Prose

Where: Raisato, Lenalee's house.
What: Four watches Lenalee cook. Possible problems may arise when Four lets his curiosity get the best of him.
When: Week 32, Day 4
Warnings: None :3

Four loves watching Lenalee do things! It doesn't matter what it is, as long as he's allowed to watch. He also didn't mind it if she talked to him at all, even if he sometimes felt sorry that he was unable to talk back at all beyond gestures and facial expressions.

They were both in the kitchen and Lenalee was working on something on the stove. Four was going through the various spices and ingredients on the table while she was busy and was getting himself thoroughly covered in everything. He opened up a package of a red spice he recognized as paprika and stuck his hand in to bring some out. He examined it for a moment before putting the handful back and dropping the bag as he moved onto examining a couple of vegetables, effectively covering the table (and himself) with red powder.

He glanced over at Lenalee. What was she doing? Can he see? Too bad getting on the counter wasn't going to be easy for his size...

lenalee lee, *closed, location: raisato, 4

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