[Accidental Video](Week 7, Day 5)

Jun 19, 2010 21:40

[ The screen is dark, tucked away in a dark pocket but a frustrated and nervous voice can be heard]

Okay… this definitely doesn’t look like China.

Mr. Han? Mr. Han?!

Aw man. This is not funny.

[Only when the speaker steps forward, a clumsy limp followed by a pained hiss, does he realize that there is a new weight in his pocket.

He slips down to the ground.]


...What the…is this a cell phone?

[A small hand pulls the device out into the light of the morning revealing the face of a young boy sitting in the grass. His eyes are wide and he draws in a shaky breath as he brings tries to hold the hitomi steady. But its difficult as the pain in his leg seems to be increasing and making him dizzy. Clumsily and trying to stay focused he turns the device around in his palm to see if there is a name, or some indicator as to who owns it.


M-mr. Han! I think you left your cell phone in my pocket!


[With a sigh and the sagging of his shoulders he finally gives up. He tries poking around with the device.Its something to keep him distracted at least.]

H-how do you find the apps on this thing? Are cell phones different in China?

[After a good deal more poking he’s managed to pull up the map and close it again but none of it makes sense]

Man… where am I? This map doesn’t help… where am I on this thing?

[Looking around he takes in the sight of the cityless skyline. Definitely not something one would find in Beijing. And not detroit. If anything It almost reminds him of the temple in the south that Mr. Han had taken him to... tucked away in a lost world of creeks and trees but... he doesn't see any temple...nothing to give him any clue where to go or what to do]

… Is this a dream?

…I don’t think they gave me any drugs for my leg… but maybe I fell asleep…

[Talking to himself. It seems to help him not feel so lost and alone for the moment. It almost is enough to make him forget his injuries as he tries to stand again, only to fall pathetically when he tries to put weight on his left leg.]


[Crumpled on the ground, his white fighting tunic now smudged with dirt and grass, he is not happy one bit and this stupid.. cell phone.. or thing.. that is NOT HELPING AT ALL.

Finally with another scream he throws it down in frustration]
This sucks!!!!

allen walker, ~son goku, dre parker, ~uchiha itachi

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