[There are no words in Four’s vocabulary that could describe it... The tiny stitchpunk could not move. It is a dream, it has to be a dream. Beauty like this does not exist in his world. He blinks several times, just to be sure, but the world he saw stays there. He trembles as he slowly stands up, and promptly sits back down again as he tries to
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[What fortune to have this little thing come through! Mayuri adds this little man onto his list of things that need to be studied.]
Maybe he is just jumping to conclusions, he should give this person a chance.]
[True, he'd lose that information. On the other hand, this place had that annoying habit of broadcasting dreams. He quite looks forward to this one's dreams.
He'll give this one sometime here before he dissects him.]
Perhaps he should introduce himself?
Four pulls the Hitomi device far enough away for it to see the 4 carefully dyed onto his chest. He taps it and gives the human a curious look.
What's your name?
Not that the human can hear him, but it's a comfort thing.]
How polite for the creature - 4 - in insist on introductions.]
And I am Kurotsuchi Mayuri. The given name is Mayuri. [He's noticed that many here aren't familiar with his world's tradition of name order. So he'll clarify it upfront for the creature.]
His eyes flicker and light up as he absorbs the information given to him and stores it away forever. Now even if he sees Mayuri fifty years from now, he'll be able to remember everything about this conversation, including every expression Mayuri makes, and his speech patterns.
He nods eagerly, such a unique name! He has never heard of a name like that before. The given name is put after the surname? How peculiar. He wonders if this person has seen Three, but decides that he probably hasn't, since it's pretty clear that Four is the first stitchpunk he's seen.]
Are you able to write, 4? Well, I mean specifically, type? This device [He taps the Hitomi] has a text interface.
[He switches to text mode.]
Perhaps communication would be easier for you through this. It is relatively simple to get into. Just tap [specific button] and type.
Excited, he taps each letter a bit too quickly.]
[He examines what he types carefully. That doesn't look right. Let's try again.]
This device what is it?
Where am I? This place is so alive. tHis cant be Earth.
Wheres Three?
The device is called a Hitomi. It acts as a communications hub for all those brought into this world. Not only that but it has an interesting habit of broadcasting dreams at random. You'll see more about that later. In fact, you can look through all the posts that have ever been made by any and all of whom have been here. It's quite useful.
You are correct in your assumption that this is not Earth. This place is called Kannagara.
You are the first of your kind to arrive here. I've seen no Three nor any other creature like you here as of yet. It is possible though that others like you might come through.
Please, tell me about yourself and your world.
Okay, he takes a few moments.
Dreams? Brought into this world? Kannagara? This isn't real. It can't be. Not only that... but he is here alone?
No. He refuses to believe it.]
You're wrong. Three is around here somewhere. I know he is. Four can't be without Three.
What is Kannagara? Why did it bring us here?
[Questions about his world are going to wait until Four has a few more answers.]
But then again, if he could, then he would know everything and that would just be dull, now, wouldn't it?]I'd have remembered another creature like you coming through. But you are free to look and ask around ( ... )
I do not know much about Japan, though though I have read that it is a country with a peculiar language and strange customs.
Not much is written about them unfortunately.
If there is no science or technology, what is written about here?
Is there a library nearby?
[Four pauses as he thinks about what Mayuri said about Gods. He has read before about Gods, and how they create and destroy things. But humans create and destroy things too, what makes them different?]
What do the Gods mean to you?
[If in doubt, ask!]
[Such a clever question!]Gods are supposed perfect beings by definition, creatures I have no interest in if that fact is true. I think however, gods, in essence, are simply beings that hold more power and knowledge than we do at the time. I do not believe these beings to be faultless and flawless, simply creatures like us, gifted with greater abilities ( ... )
In the meantime, he decides that he loves talking to this person! As someone who thrives on information, getting so much at one time excites him.]
Do humans need to worship a god?
Do gods even exist?
If so, why do they not stop humans from destroying themselves? So much bad exists in the world, yet if they exist, why do they do nothing?
[Four isn't sure he believes the idea of gods. To him, they are just fiction until he can be convinced otherwise.]
Humans hold wars over lots of different reasons. Religion is only one of them apparently.
The war that started in my world happened
because of greed.
[Greed seems to be another human flaw he noticed, for it was a big factor in their extinction.]
Whether gods exist or not is a debate that also causes great fights. In my opinion, it would be incredibly boring if the true, omnipotent god existed. But as I explained before, I do not believe the gods here are true, definite gods.
You are correct in your assessment of humanity's wont to fight. There are many reasons and they are all foolish. [How astute of this little creature.]
Greed. What precisely were they greedy for? [He knew if he was patient he'd receive some information.]
[This has got to be the most interesting conversation that Four has had in a very long time. Well, to be fair he only ever has actual conversations with Three. So this is a very interesting experience for him. Mayuri gave him much to think about.]
What is your world like? Is it whole?
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