[There are no words in Four’s vocabulary that could describe it... The tiny stitchpunk could not move. It is a dream, it has to be a dream. Beauty like this does not exist in his world. He blinks several times, just to be sure, but the world he saw stays there. He trembles as he slowly stands up, and promptly sits back down again as he tries to
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Is this another one of Clow's creations? But he's not in his own world now, either. So that doesn't make the most sense, not really.
Still, it has to have been made by someone! And what's it... doing here, all by itself? Does it have magic? Can it protect itself? Will it get eaten by something big and scary if it even manages to make it out of the Himorogi?
And how long a journey would that be, for something so tiny? The tree behind the creature gives enough of a perspective that he's pretty sure it's not anywhere near human sized!
What if something kills it before it even has time to properly orient in the world?
Not that he cares about things like that, of course.]
... are you okay?
He tilts his head and watches the new human on his little communication device with an avid interest. Are you going to do anything interesting? At the question, he nods. Then he shakes his head...then he nods again.
Eventually he shrugs. He has no idea.]
[It can't talk? He thinks maybe it can't talk. That's a bit of a problem.]
Has anyone said they're coming to get you?
[That's a more useful question, maybe.]
He reaches over and taps the screen. Who are you?]
I'm Touya. I run a guest house.
[He's not going to walk all the way there to pick this thing up. Well, not unless no one else wants to.]
What is a guest house?
[Because this is the most important question at the moment. Clearly.]
[He switches to text, too.]
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