❝ dream 01 {week 21 - day 3}

Apr 06, 2011 14:19

[Strange to think it's been a nearly a week since he arrived.

Until now he hasn't allowed himself to sleep properly, not out in the country. If the ten years since the Bakumatsu haven't cured him of it, a few days here won't either. But having finally arrived in Mizusato (he made a promise to visit Iruka, after all), the security of a proper town and the kind faces and smiles of the Ryokan's owners ease his heart a little.

Enough to allow himself a night's proper sleep, at least.]

The shinai is comfortable in your hand. There are samurai who shun the practice sword, too proud to return to the tool of those only learning kenjutsu. You do not agree. The sword that cannot kill -that does not kill- you will always support the use of such a thing.

Before you stands a youth, his eyes full of a passion that time has not yet had a chance to batter down. It always makes you smile to see it, and more to see him learn to channel that passion into his hands and technique. As he swings it is easy to read his movement and meet them (avoidance would defeat the purpose of the lesson) and you allow him to set the pace for now.

Though this is only a training match, your entire focus is on him, his blade, his eyes- to do otherwise would be unfair to his potential. Every fight he reaches a new level, achieves something he couldn't before. Even today- he has surprised you with an unexpected stroke (you had no problem blocking it) and one day he might reach a level higher than yours.

Once you begin to set the pace, to drive him to the defensive, the match doesn't last long. He sees what you're doing and he grits his teeth in determination. You allow him a final thrust; you have nothing to lose and he, everything to gain. He misses. Barely.

"I told you not to go easy on me!" The boy's eyes are getting sharper too. You laugh off the accusation, scratching your head in innocence as he demands a rematch. "Kenshin, how am I gonna get better if you're always-"

"Yahiko- stop whining and make sure you get him next time! He was wide open!" This new voice is every bit as loud and brash as Yahiko's. She's been there all along, of course, watching her student with a critical eye. "And Kenshin-" Her attention turns to you suddenly. "Don't go easy on my student!!" The shinai crashing against the side of your head is expected and doesn't hurt as much as you make out.

When your ears stop ringing the two of them are fighting once more- over training methods, over discipline- it doesn't matter with them, they'll fight on it. Rubbing the slight bump on the side of your head you can't help but smile. Its... strange how the sound of a student and his master arguing can be peaceful, but it is to you. And when the tall man chewing on a fishbone appears to join in the argument, your smile grows wider.

Peace. Family. A place to belong. Things you never expected to find again.

"Kenshiiiiiiin!" Caught daydreaming, you find Kaoru waving you inside the house. Your eyes meet for a moment and you share a smile. Whatever drew the others here, it was her who kept you here, insisted you stay. None of this would have been without her. She waits for you to catch up and you enter the dojo. Together.

[He wakes, trying to hold on to the lingering feeling of contentment, of peace. All too quickly it's replaced with regret that days like that might never return, not while he's in Kannagara.

Not until he can defeat Shishio.]

~seta soujiro, ~himura kenshin, ~shimizu raikou, ~meguro gau

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