[Accidental video] Week 21 Day 3

Apr 05, 2011 19:48

The morning was mostly silent in the newly occupied compound in Mizusato. That wouldn’t last much longer as a man dressed in the most peculiar coat imaginable for most, stalked his way across the hedge wall. “Quiet now Emily. We must be absolutely quiet if we are to see how everyone else is settling in~”

“Yea yea. If there’s any reasons they would catch us it’s because of your big mouth.” the high pitched mutter answered from the doll on his shoulder.

Silently, the white haired intruder, made his way over to the second building of the complex.

“Let’s see, the closest part is the east window right about here~” One slide of a window, one hush towards the doll and Break finally found himself inside the room. Not just any room though. It was funny how convenient things could be sometimes. Break had not stuck around to know who got which room so in all honesty it had hardly been his intention to end up in the room of the most loud mouth and hot tempered member of their group.

“My my. When she’s like that you’d almost think she’s a lovely young lady.” He thought with a wolfish grin. It was almost tempting to take a photograph with the Hitomi just to have something to tease her with later on. Oh well it was something he could keep in mind for next time. Right now just this should be enough. As silently as he had entered, Break went prone on the floor and quietly crawled under the bed that they had to purchase at the behest (more like demand) of the two queens. Couldn’t have them sleep on the floor even in futons now could they?

Once he was in place, Break prodded the bed from beneath with his cane. Best to speed things up a bit.

Any pretense of a ladylike repose vanished with the prod. Alice jumped a bit, snorting rather loudly as she kicked a pillow off the edge of the bed and rolled over to sprawl in a loose-limbed stretch, not bothering to cover her mouth as she yawned widely.

“Almost there. Lets see if she’ll catch on” the man thought with a muffled chuckle before starting to crow like a rooster.

With a rather put upon groan, Alice flung her other pillow at the window with the idle hope that all the wretched birds in this place would be nice and die painful deaths. She rather enjoyed the thought and spent the next few moments imagining a mass-bird-murdering spree as she gave a languid stretch.

The too loud rumble of her belly had her rolling and bouncing out of her bed with a sudden grin. She gave a quick  little spin and laughed to herself as she muttered, “That stupid seaweed-head better have food ready!”

That was as big a cue as any. Break knew that this was his turn on stage so with practiced ease he slid out from under the bed so that he was now looking at Alice from below with a hand raised up to his face in greeting.

“Good mo~rning~” He grinned disturbingly.

[Accidental video]

[The feed opens with what appears to be a lower point of view.]

You know you make the most peaceful sleeping face I have ever seen~

[A teasing lilt from offscreen.]

[What could only be described as an enraged scream met such a cheerful statement as the petite little girl spun on her heels before jumping up into the air, the heel of a foot suddenly drilling down in a heavy kick, right towards Break’s head.]

Bastard! Why are you under my bed?! Die, stupid clown!

[View slides to the right just as the kick races towards Break and the Hitomi]

I just dropped by to say “hello, good morning, and how are you” to all of you this fine morning

[View jolts as Break gets up on his feet and proceeds to dust off his clothes though it’s all an act since he isn’t dusty in the least].

[That answer isn’t even worthy of a verbal response, so far as Alice is concerned. Instead, the shifting view of the Hitomi shows her landing in a crouch, utterly uncaring for the way the sleeping gown rides up as she spins, kicking back towards Break once again with all the furious bloodlust her human form could manage.

Enough to kick clean through the doors of the chest standing there, at any rate.]

Stand still so you can die properly, dammit!

[Cheerful laughter is Break’s reply as he crouches low and rolls behind Alice proceeding to strike her lightly with his cane against her rear.]

That would be most troublesome. I cannot prepare milady’s tea if I were to expire under your attacks. Trust me when I say you wouldn’t want her to go without her delicious brew. And I doubt you could make it up to her standards. After all you need the secret in-gre-di-ent~

[Dodging any incoming attacks as he speaks.]

What? Your head on a platter?!

[The stumble step wasn’t her fault, at all. It was that bothersome man’s, smacking her like that - like she was some mere child to be patronized! She didn’t even notice the faint dusting of a blush that warmed her cheeks as she swung a fist around with everything her slight frame could throw into it, followed immediately by the desk chair caught and flung towards the infuriating man for good measure with the other.]

Your sugar-filled blood to sweeten the mix? Well come here, let me give her plenty!

Maybe if she was a Chain such as like yourself~

[Mocking yet melodic laughter sounds from up close to the Hitomi recording as Break ducks under the chair chucked at his face. A crash sounds from behind and Break looks to see what might have been broken. Why none other than the screendoor.]

Oh dear. Poor Gilbert. You shouldn’t give him so much work.

[And the hypocrite of the decade award goes to Xerxes Break who just ran out the door laughing gleefully. The feed continues to record his antics.]

[OOC:Dark Red is Alice while the Purple belongs to Break. If you want to reply to one of them specifically please state who in the subject of the comment. If you don’t really care who replies, don’t bother with that pesky detail.]

gilbert nightray, elliot nightray, xerxes break, location: mizusato, alice (b. rabbit), ~seta soujiro, vincent nightray

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