Index Post

May 31, 2020 05:00

Welcome to KanjiGeek! Bridget here. This is my secondary livejournal, where I plan to post translations of Japanese pop songs and other media, and any reviews, analyses, or musings I might have on Japan, its media, or its language. At the beginning you may find the content is very heavily KAT-TUN; that will eventually balance out, but I tend to focus on one obsession at a time, and that is it for me right now.

There are no friends-only posts on this journal, so while you are more than welcome to friend the journal to watch it, I am not going to bother maintaining a friendslist. Updates will be infrequent, due to the realities of work and motherhood. Comments and critiques are always welcome!

If you're looking for my personal and art journal, you can find it here: bewilde. I am too lazy to copy all that info over here, so if you want to know more about me, go there.

I also occasionally translate stuff for jone_records that I do not post here. If you are interested in translations of KAT-TUN interviews and other resources, I highly recommend you join the community and take a look around.

Current projects: KAT-TUN Queen of Pirates album and Don't U Ever Stop singles.

Last translation posted: 6/16/08


Queen of Pirates, 2008

1. T∀BOO
9. 「un-」
12. SHOT!

Don't U Ever Stop, 2008

2. w/o notice?? (Kamenashi Kazuya solo)
2. 愛の華 (Ueda Tatsuya solo)

livejournal, welcome

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