(no subject)

Jul 25, 2008 00:00

its only then! when it catches up to you
will it reinforce your mind with all its lunatic antics of which it resides in its portal with none other than the reason of its being for such a state of solitude.
it doesnt matter, thats reason for its being!
it doesnt matter to which explanations that not one could define, see, note, or capture! no!
for it means angst. no, no it doesnt. it means rapture, yes that.
raptured for it has been! not once! twice? thrice! ah! yes, permanent.
permanent as its meaning for your eyes! you wouldnt know! it doesnt matter because YOU WOULDNT KNOW.
now would you? why? why you ask your unawareness of its state? of its entire existence?! for thats the reason! youre unsure
im aware
im not unsure, i just stated my awareness of its existence! because i noticed! i did!
you didnt.
you wouldnt have.
never will.
thats the difference between you and i, friend.
i dont know if i wish for you to have noticed or not.
sure, i long for this
but ultimately, no! i do not.
why? thats the entire reason! figure this out and one day you shall receive the greatest gift!
this gift for i cannot reveal to someone such of your stature.
for reasons not unknown, for reasons to which you could not comprehend.
its ok! theres nothing wrong with that.
that is the difference, between you. and i.


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