great balls a fire

Jul 12, 2005 21:37

your expectations of me are too high, why? why do you come in with such high 'uns. youre only leading yourself to be shot down in the end...which isnt fun, am i right?
who ..since when did it get so cold in here it was so nice now ive got the bumps of which are goosed and feel like ice is being forced against my skin.this jacket was a major help. thanks!
ive been doing a lot of thinking lately/ i love when people say that, as if youre not always doing a lot of thinking. yeah its about a certain someone, although when is it not? i wish i were in one of those moods where i just have so much to say, although not rare i should write when i feel such feelings. im craving sushi again, all i had today was brownie and piece of cake, so healthy :) i want to play tennis, i need a tennis partner. well i could always go ahead and play by my lonesone against the wall, i do tend to have fun times doing so. although there are suspicious looking men with headstraps around their head i always see playing there. not my kind of fun. why cant i do something productive with my time? why do i go to bed at 6 am and wake up at 4pm? such questions, say, archies following me around me often than ever, i think somethings up. he must be ....well there goes that idea he just left.
i rented saw and the jacket last night. two great movies, now how embarrassing is it the next day to return them and rent more haha, shows ive got quite the exciting life. although i did watch both last night starting at around 12 am. i love scary movies, i love them so much. i just wish i could find one that actually scares me
but i must admit, sitting hey archies back:) sitting in your room alone in the pitch black and watching saw with that clown can give you the jitters.
my hairs getting pretty long, ima hafta cut it soon.
youve been clipped.
who kept saying that to me? oh! i remember now lol when i went to the boomboomhuckjam with jackie erik and adam, adam kept on threatening to FFT! FFTT! FFFTTT!
uhm, im still cold. but i know myself all too well ill go 'head and turn down the ac then get hot, and complain.
mum better be gittin me somethin to eat at wings plus, ima hungry..!
i tend to make up lyrics when im not quite sure of the actual lyrifications.
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