
Mar 17, 2009 21:24

All seems to be going well.

Recently, my brother David and I have been doing Bible studies. Those Bible studies always seem to have everything make sense. It's so nice to be able to talk with my brother. I think I've found my spiritual friend in my family. He teaches me something and I teach him other things. I'm so glad to be able to remember some of the things I've learned in my confirmation classes.

It seems every time we have a Bible study, something happens around the day we have it. I'm slowly coming back to the spirit and less of the flesh.

My truck passed the emissions test and it's running great. I'm glad that I've been blessed with it. There's still things that are going to be replaced but those will happen when i have the financial backing to do them. I hope this stimulus comes soon. It's going to pay off some of the work i've done on the truck. It'll get paid off in due time. I already own my vehicle so...

Just got the internet today. Everything went well with the modem and wireless router until it came to the network key. Wish I knew what that was. *laughs* I'll get that done on wednesday or thursday.

well going to head off. God Bless and Peace Be With You. Oyasumi nasai

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