woo hoo

Nov 26, 2008 09:43

Checked my email the other night and found awesome news. I've put out about four applications for a second job thus far. My email had one from the college bookstore (the one across from MCC) for an interview. All excited, I email that I can do it. Later that night, I realize the 25th had already passed (much to my regret) so I resend a message asking for a rescheduled interview. Tuesday at 10 am is my interview! I have a chance to get out from under my bills! *dances*

Some other good news, Roger got his truck back from the mechanic. It was leaking breaking fluid in the master and slave cylinder. He got to drive his truck without having to worry if anything would go wrong. It was awesome. He turned out to be pretty good at driving his standard but he stalled it a few times. He has trouble getting it to go but he's already a pro at shifting from first to second gear flawlessly. Didn't have to tell him anything. It was nice. The timing is something to get used to on standards but once you have it, you're driving like a pro. There's a possibility that in a few months, he might have his license and be able to drive himself to work. I know he'd love that.

I find it funny that people who drive automatics are afraid to drive standards. They think it's so hard. Standards have better gas milage and by downshifting, you can avoid an accident. It just takes a little practice. I remember driving home one night in my little crap car and pulling into the driveway in Queen Creek barely remembering how (half asleep) I got there but knew I drove defensively. lol It becomes automatic in my head and I didn't even think about what I was doing.

I cancelled my verizon internet due to lack of funds and had to pay a $125 fee for cancelling but i expected that. It had begun as $175 so i was thrilled. Only 80 away from having it paid off completely.

All in all, things are shaping up. Finally.
Am heading out. Everyone Take care, God Bless and Peace Be With You.

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