Arse bollocks

Aug 13, 2005 11:50

The merry_smutmas sign-ups came and went - as I had worried, they came and went without me. *cries a little*

Some days I hate being in a different timezone. :( What's especially frustrating is that I checked just before going to bed last night, and by the time I looked this morning, it had all happened. How?? *sigh*

Many thanks to cjmarlowe for writing me that note, otherwise i probably wouldn't have even know until much, much later.

*upset face*

Well, it just means that I'm likely not doing anything for HP this year, as I am sorely out of inspiration for anything following the HBP. The up-side is that I get to take part in yuletide, which I didn't have time for last year, and actually do some other multi-fandom challenges. So, all is not lost.

Last night - oh dear lord. Someone - and I am not pointing any fingers, but I am looking in athena25's direction - plied me with drink. A small marching band is practising their repertoire in my head this morning. *clutches temples*

On the other hand, we had Ye Olde Bedlam Crowd over for drinks and dinner, and did I mention the dri nks? Yes. Wine, champagne, and some sort of Hungarian sherry thing for which I blame wingsmith (token Young'Un).

I'm going to drink some water and work on my Multiverse fic some more.

Thought - seeing as I am massively bereft of HP-related funness, anyone want to help me out by reading over / editing my Multiverse submission? It's about 2/3 done, but really needs a good kick up the arse. Fandoms are... well, if you read my lj you'll probably be familiar with them. Any takers? *hopeful*


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